Mad Scientist Lair

Over the last few weeks Tim’s been hard at work designing, molding, casting and now painting a Mad Scientist Lair to go along with an upcoming figure he and Sean are working on. Once complete we’ll be selling this kit on our eBay store and will make the perfect backdrop for any horror action figure. If you’re interested in picking on up when available, drop us a line.

Frankenstein resin model kit

Sean and Tim spent the day making molds for an upcoming figure they’re working on — Frankenstein.

The Shadow custom 12″ action figure

We recently completed a commission for a custom 12″ Shadow/Lamont Cranston action figure. The head is a modified version of our original “Parker” head and the rest is a mix of other manufacturer’s products, some of which have been customized as well. The figure can be displayed either as the Shadow or Lamont and comes with accessories like .45s, gloved hands with ring, a dual shoulder-holster and cigarettes.