Frankenstein & Mad Scientist Lair Backdrop

A few weeks back, a new pizzeria opened in our hometown of Decatur, Indiana. But this wasn’t just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill pizzeria — this was a pizzeria with a unique theme based on classic monster movies from Frankenstein, Dracula to Wolfman and everything in between.

This was Famous Monster Pizza.

Our Frankenstein & Mad Scientist Lair Backdrop is finished!

Let us know if you’re interested in adding either Frankenstein, the Mad Scientist Lair Backdrop or both of them to your collection.

Our Frankenstein & Mad Scientist Lair Backdrop is nearly done!

Tim just needs to add a few more details and Sean needs to sculpt a special prop and this one will be done!

Frankenstein update

Tim has begun to paint samples of our upcoming Frankenstein resin model kits.


Mad Scientist Lair Backdrop & Frankenstein updates

Here are some new pics of our very nearly completed Mad Scientist Lair Backdrop as well as our Frankenstein. The Mad Scientist Lair is resin kit that works great as a backdrop for any figure from a 6″ Mego to a 12″ action figure — one of the pics has a Sideshow Frankenstein in place to show the scale.

Our new Frankenstein resin model is a new kit that’s specifically designed to go along with the Mad Scientist Lair.